BC Community Programs for Chronic illness, Pain & Disability
If you are living in BC Canada and are new to your chronic illness/pain, there are two self-management wellness programs I highly recommend for you to start immediately. I was taught about them by someone else who has suffered from 20+ years of chronic pain. With his knowledge and personal experience, he has developed a large " Toolbox" full of accessible options and techniques that helps him manage better day-to-day .
1. Self-Management BC
Persons with chronic health conditions and family members can participate in self-management programs offered in communities throughout BC at no cost. These are evidence-based programs which provide information, teach practical skills and give people the confidence to manage their health condition(s). A summary of self-management program activity in British Columbia for 2016 can be downloaded here. You can view a video of Dr. Aaron Leppin of the Mayo Clinic discussing "well care" and the importance of self-management programs.
2. Pain BC
Phone: call them toll free at 1-844-880-PAIN (7246)
Online: complete a self-referral form if you're in pain or know someone who is.
E-mail: supportline@painbc.ca
You can also check out my other posts about getting renting free medical equipment such as wheelchairs, crutches, canes, beds from the Canadian Red Cross and going on medical EI or disability income assistance in Canada.