Candida Diet & Green Juicing is Healing my Long-Term UTI / Interstitial Cystitis Faster
going at a frequency of 8 - 9 times per day. I wasn't getting worse, but I also wasn't really getting better fast, I was getting better slowly but it felt like I had come to a standstill. Some days were
good, some days were bad, and there were ups and downs as I continued to experiment with the
IC diet.
Then I met a few girls on Instagram who were healing their Interstitial Cystitis from
doing the Candida diet, and one of their IC friends RECOVERED on the Candida diet (along with
IC supplements and other stuff). So I thought there wouldn't be any harm in doing it. My IC has
been ruled out after doing DNA next generation urine tests which found pathogens in my urine,
so I know what I'm fighting is a long-term unhealed Urinary Tract Infection. Sometimes I think a
lot of ICers out there are just actually long-term unhealed low-grade Urinary Tract Infections. Standard urine lab tests won't pick it up, but DNA next gen urine/vaginal tests will. To learn
more about how I did them, go to my menu and click "DNA Next Gen" if you're curious.
I was already doing a mostly IC alkaline diet since April 2018. Then on September 7th, I added
on the restrictions of a Candida diet on top of my IC alkaline diet (yes, that means even more
limitations). I also started green juicing (fresh organic cucumber & blueberries) on the same
day. This meant I cut out all the carbs immediately - rice, potatoes, grains, and sweet potatoes I
was doing on my already restricted 70% alkaline-30% acidic diet. I also stopped mushrooms
since they're fungal.
In just 1 day, on September 8th, my urine frequency fell down to 6 times instead of my usual
8-9x a day. Was it the Candida diet? The green juicing? A fluke? I decided to continue the
Candida diet + juicing to see. On Sept 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, and 14, I have only peed 5 to 6 times
per day. It was pretty phenomenal that adjusting my diet did such a huge improvement!
I still however, have frequency and the urge to want to pee every 1 hour - 2 hours, but it is so
much easier to hold in and the urge isn't as strong. It's like a milder version now. So I'm not at
normal feeling yet, but I feel like I'm much closer to recovery. Please note that I drink exactly
2 liters of natural spring water and fresh organic green juicing a day (about 1.3 liters of water
and 0.7 green juicing). I don't drink less or more than 2 Litres, because less will make my urine
too acidic, and more will stress out my bladder to work too hard. I don't drink the bottled juices
out there because they have sugars, aren't fresh, have fillers, or painful bladder irritants like
citric acid or soy added in. I juice my own every morning.
I don't exactly understand why my frequency got cut in half overnight or how this works, but here may be some articles to shed some light for you and me:
Is Candida Connected to Interstitial Cystitis (IC)?
Heal Candida, Heal IC
Could IC Flares Be Caused by Candida?
UTIs and Candida (I love this site a lot)