Ruth Kriz: Nurse Practitioner Specializing in Interstital Cystitis & Chronic UTI
Tract Infections and Interstitial Cystitis.
Who is Ruth Kriz?
Ruth Kriz is a Nurse Practitioner who suffered with IC herself for 11 years but has been well now
for 18 years. She taught nursing for many years from LPNs to Master’s level Nurse Practitioners
and in 2005 opened her practice in Washington, DC to help IC patients. In addition to utilizing
broth culture results, she addresses depressed immune function, nutrition, and other underlying infections that damage the bladder wall and depress immune function. Adrenal, thyroid,
hormonal issues, allergy, and gut issues are also evaluated and treated if necessary. Phone appointments are available. Her website is at If you want to know a bit about
her, here is her story:
Ruth Kriz's Story: How I healed my bladder with long-term antibiotics and supplements
Why did I decide to seek treatment with Ruth Kriz?
I met 2 big IC bloggers who had been in treatment with Ruth and they spoke of her highly. One
of them was under treatment with Professor Malone-Lee for 4 years, and when she had to move,
she went under treatment with Ruth Kriz and went into remission after a year with Ruth. I also met
a medical practitioner (doctor level) whose mom is in treatment with Ruth. I have met resistance along the way, from people who have dropped out of seeing her due to costs, people who have not finished treatment with her, and a few who have never seen her but just say what they hear from rumors. I had to think about all the pros and cons carefully, but like I once said, if you don't do it yourself, how would you personally know? Also, what may work for one person, may not work for another.
(For example, 95% of ICers and UTIers I met told me organic marshmallow root tea did wonders
for their bladder. It bothered mine badly after sticking to their protocol for 3 weeks, and as soon
as I stopped the tea, my bladder felt better.)
How does seeing Ruth Kriz work?
Since I live in Canada and Ruth is in the States, we will do our medical consultations online via
the free webcam app called Skype. For anything that needs to be done in Canada, I will be
working with my naturopath Dr. Akehurst from Cross Roads Naturopathic Medicine and also
with my new GP Dr.L (although my GP may not agree with everything). As you know by
now, conventional practitioners such as family doctors and urologists do not agree with unconventional methods. Thankfully, my new GP is open-minded, though a bit wary, of my
various unconventional methods. But if you look through my blog, unconventional methods are
what has been healing me. I would say I'm now at a mild-moderate stage of UTI symptoms,
although the bladder pain that put me into a wheelchair back in June still remains a big mystery.
This is where I hope that I find the pieces of the puzzle together with Ruth Kriz.
my Skype session with Ruth Kriz