Work From Home as an ESL Teacher with No Experience

So many interstitial cystitis patients and embedded UTI patients I meet online tell me they are in need of a job. Ever since losing their careers to this horrible disease, so many ladies' lives have deteriorated. Also, with the impact of coronavirus, even more people are losing their jobs. So whether you have interstitial cystitis or not, this post is relevant to anyone looking for a stay-at-home job.

I began teaching ESL in October 2019 in the comfort of my own home. First off, I have no experience as a teacher and absolutely no credentials as one. And don't worry, you don't need to know any Chinese. There are ESL online companies that hire American and Canadian people like you and me with no experience. Ironically, the coronavirus really helped my job increase because so many children are/were staying home from it in China. So since they can't go to school, their parents want them to keep learning and sign them up to online classes. I teach ESL to children in China through one of these schools:

Please note that the hours can be quite brutal depending on where you live. But you need to do what it takes to get income, right? I work anywhere between 8pm - 3am, which isn't too bad. I take one day off a week. This is why I'm rarely on social media now, I'm just so tired from the bizarre sleep pattern and the last thing I want to do is open up emails or messages about other patients' problems after a long evening of teaching through the nights! I wish I had more energy to update on social media, but I only have enough mental energy to update once a month or less. I hope you find a job with one of the companies above.