
If you like the blog or appreciate my work in solving the ic puzzles, send a little donation to help pay back my phenomenal bladder bills!

I am a very private person and will not be found online anywhere else. I apologize, but due to overwhelming demand on this website, I had to take down my email + social media since I cannot answer the hundreds and hundreds of emails and messages that pour in from sufferers around the world. Please be reassured though, you are not alone in this disease! If you are looking for help, I have resources and support groups on this blog for you to turn to. 

Have Questions?
If you have questions about my diagnoses, DNA tests, or healing journey, you may find most of the answers in the Ask Me section. Some of it may be outdated by the time you have found this website.

Want Immediate Support?
If you are looking for immediate support and guidance from other patients, support groups, or medical practitioners, visit the Who Can Help section. Some of the groups may no longer be around by the time you have found this website.