Book Review: Along the Healing Path Recovering from Interstitial Cystitis

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I was recommended to read this book. Even though I may not have Interstitial Cystitis (pathogens were found in my urine so it's pointing towards a chronic UTI), my chronic UTI symptoms are so similar to IC that I figured this would be helpful to read. I just started reading it and highly recommend it.

There are so many eye openers in the book that I was thinking, "Oh my gosh, I never realized that" or "Holy crap, I never put 2 and 2 together!" Seriously, buy or borrow this book and read it! I have it in Kindle format that I bought via Amazon, but you can buy it in regular book form too. If you're tight on funds, see if your library has it, or ask another IC patient in IC Facebook groups or IC forums if they have a copy that they can lend to you.

Along the Healing Path includes a discussion of Interstitial Cystitis (IC) from a holistic perspective with more specific information on herbs, natural products, and alternative treatments for IC. There is a special section on vitamins and minerals, as well as many helpful tips for those looking for a more natural approach to treating their IC. This book also contains a discussion of the many reasons why alternative treatments may not have worked for someone in the past, common problems IC patients run into, and more information on how to develop a healing plan of your own.