Blog Re-Design

I have enlisted a web designer friend of mine to re-design this entire website, so please bear with us as she overhauls the entire website. My friend is a true gem, she is doing this entire project for free, as she knows about my financial situation being very tight for my bladder healing. There are going to be glitches and broken links while she works on the design of this blog over the next couple of days. I also asked her if she could change the whole scheme to a calm purpley-grey, instead of the bright neon green that I originally had for this site. (I have no taste nor sense of aesthetics).

I also had a lot of my silly and tomboy humour throughout this blog, but my designer friend suggested that I change the theme of this blog to a more serious tone incorporated with a feminine and soft feel. So I will be re-editing some of my old posts to remove cartoonish memes and jokes as it takes on a more professional essence.

There are two reasons for the site overhaul.

Firstly, there were several gentle complaints from readers that words were being cut off at the end of every sentence. The last blog design had some type of font size issue.

The second reason is the biggest one: If I fully heal one day, I will be coming out in public to champion all my findings and journey to urologists and the interstitial cystitis community. But in order for the professional and medical community to take me seriously, a professional looking and sounding site must be presented. I don't want others to suffer like I did, so I hope to bring interstitial awareness to the general public that hearing "it isn't curable" and "it isn't an infection" is not always the case. I have met several who have healed, or are healing - and I too am also healing, when I was told by various different physicians that IC was incurable.

Thus, I apologize for any broken links that may be happening over the next few days, but we hope to get this site up and running beautifully soon.