Interstitial Cystitis Diet Food List by IC Patient/Dietician: Julie Beyer
Her name is Julie Beyer. I found out about her through the Interstitial Cystitis Network. On that page, it says: "Julie Beyer MA, RDN is an internationally recognized expert on diet and interstitial cystitis. She is a dual graduate from Michigan State University with a Master’s degree in Health Communications and serves on the faculty of the University of Phoenix. Drawing on her personal experience with interstitial cystitis and her professional expertise as a registered dietitian, Julie is the author of three books about IC: Confident Choices: Customizing the IC Diet, Confident Choices: A Cookbook for IC and OAB and Interstitial Cystitis: A Guide for Nutrition Educators."
The best thing I like about her is that she has Interstitial Cystitis, so she would personally understand the pain of what we IC warriors go through!
Her website mentions that she also met with representatives from the Interstitial Cystitis Association and the Interstitial Cystitis Network, and curated an IC safe food list. She is a registered dietitian nutritionist, has a Bachelor of Science in Dieteics, and a Master of Arts in Health and Risk Communication. You can read about her profile here: about Julie Beyer and her website and blog is on that same page too. I love her blog and have been browsing through it. I haven't read it in detail yet (I'm so exhausted from having my IC/UTI symptoms, but I will set a day to read through it in full detail in the near future).
I follow her Facebook page too at: Confident Choices where a lot of people with IC and UTIs are talking about stuff on her comments and she replies too.
I don't make any money telling you this and I'm not endorsed or sponsored to write this. This is a free blogspot blog I write of my experiences. I just am very excited to find someone who could be of possible huge help.
I'm also seeing a naturopath soon at Vitalia HealthCare on West Broadway in Vancouver BC. I'm just hoping they will understand about my Interstitial Cystitis problem. What I like about the clinic that I'm going to is that they do advanced lab testing which is what I want, beyond the standard testing of my GPs (general practitioner = family doctors). I was referred to the naturopath from one of the 2018 board members at the BC Naturopathic Association. I hope to combine Julie Beyer, my naturopath, and my urologist's guidance together for a healing journey for IC. If you want to get in touch with me, you can find ways to reach me on the Contact page. I may or may not reply though, depending on how stressed I am. Some days I have huge anxiety and feel too stressed to even open the computer, because of IC! There are days where I just lay in bed crying and feel so hopeless, and other days where I feel great and can do laundry and reply. The best way to reach me is the forum listed on the Contact page.