How to Cure Mild C.Diff Naturally - Too Many UTI Antibiotics Gave Me C.Difficile
So basically, I was having frequency at both holes now (urethra and rectum). I was so miserable! I decided to switch gears and tackle the C.Diff first. I've knocked it down from 5 times to now 1 to 2 times per day using natural methods. There was no way I was going back on any antibiotics to battle C.Diff, since C. Diff is CAUSED by having too many antibiotics. June 13th update: after 1 month, I have cured my C.Diff! Read below on what I did.
What caused my C.Diff? Loads of antibiotics for my chronic UTI: Basically, I had 30 days of ciprofloxacin 500mg, 21 days of macrobid 100mg, 2 sachets of Monurul Fosfomycin, and 4 days of Septrum. That huge long cocktail of antibiotics gave me C. Diff! My relative also had C. Diff last year, which lasted 6 long months, because of a bad reaction to the antibiotics amoxicillin. She didn't heal her C. Diff naturally and went on 2 more medications before it was fixed by a 3rd medication but that took 6 months of misery and pain for her because her GPs were harsh selling her on antibiotic therapy. I decided I was NOT going the medication route and told my GP that I wanted to try to heal naturally first. My GP gave me a 1 month ultimatum that I would be allowed to try my way first, and if my C.Diff wouldn't cure, she would be putting me on vancomycin or some other medication.
This is what I did from May 10, 2018 to June 13, 2018 to beat my C.Diff:
- Florastor Probiotics (take twice a day = 10 billion live cells per day). My GP and my favorite pharmacist recommended that to me. This one definitely worked for me. Probiotics is your first line of defense to grow back your good bacteria to balance out your gut and stool microbiology!
- 1 RAW garlic clove a day was suggested (MUST be chopped/cut/crushed into tiny pieces, and WAIT for 15 minutes so the compound allicin comes out). I found this a bit too strong for me, so I started only doing 1/2 raw garlic clove once every 2 days! After 15 - 20 minutes, it starts to have a strong stench of garlic, I put all the tiny pieces into goat feta cheese, and eat the cheese so the clove pieces don't sting my tongue as much. Raw garlic is a natural antibiotic. If you take too many cloves, you will get diarrhea, so I opted for 1 clove only. You can do 1 - 2 a day. Don't take it on an empty stomach as raw garlic can bloat / hurt the stomach. Take always with a lunch. This was recommended to me by the Pantry Pharmacy, I am in her Facebook group Live Strong. This worked for me, but again, the probiotics were the #1 healer.
- Manuka Honey (RAW UNPASTEURIZED ACTIVE and preferably from NEW ZEALAND) is an antibiotics powerhouse for C.Diff and many other infections like flus, strep throat, H.Pylori, gastric problems, etc: I get mine from The HoneyBee Shoppe on Main Street (which has all of what I'm looking for). Do not buy honey from grocery stores, they are pasteurized, have all their pollen removed, and do nothing for you, it's just like taking sugar syrup. We only buy our honey from the HoneyBee Shoppe, they have a bee farm out in Surrey/Langley that we visited, and they get their pure honeys locally and overseas from real farms.) I take it straight up raw from the spoon. I take it on an empty stomach, or 2 hours after a meal. I don't know how much we're supposed to take so I take 1 big tablespoon (once in on an empty stomach) and once at night 2 hours after dinner. It will also BOOST your pre-biotics. So if you already have your pre-biotics and pro-biotics, take your manuka honey first in the morning, wait maybe 45 min - 1 hour, then take your prebiotics & breakfast. This may or may not have worked for me, but again, the probiotics were the #1 healer.
Other suggestions, recommended by the Pantry Pharmacy:
- Olive Leaf Extract: was suggested to take with meals. I use "Swanson Olive Leaf Extract Super Strength 750 mg 60 Caps". (This didn't work for me because I seem to have a sensitivity to OLE. It made me have more diarrhea in the end! So I stopped and just stuck to doing the Probiotics + raw garlic + Manuka Honey.)
- Oil of Oregano: eradicates C.Diff, fights UTIs, E.coli infections & many other infections etc. I ordered "Nature's Way Oregano Oil; 75-85% Carvacrol per Capsule; Vegetarian; 60 Vegetarian Capsules". It MUST HAVE Carvacrol in it to work. Oil of Oregano has other healthy benefits so if you ever need it for other infections, BUY THIS BRAND as it has CARVACROL. Many other Oil of Oreganos are tainted with filler ingredients or do nothing for us and are marketed as fake health products. (I did not get this in the mail until after my C.Diff was cured, so I didn't have a chance to use it).
- Activated Charcoal: I ordered "Belle Coconut Activated Charcoal Powder - 100% Pure, All Natural, Food Grade". Do note that it picks up all good and bad bacteria, so basically you do this FIRST to cleanse out EVERYTHING in your gut etc. It picks up everything, so you're left with a completely blank slate in your gut. Then you load up on probiotics after the charcoal cleanse to grow the good bacteria. Read the Pantry Pharmacy's blog carefully first and/or ask her or the members in the Facebook group how to do this, because this is different for everyone depending on how your condition is. And make sure you buy the right kind. There were some grades that had filler ingredients or weren't food grade. Some people take more, some people take less, some people couldn't tolerate it, so be careful how you proceed with this one. This is great for just sweeping out everything so you start completely fresh. (I didn't end up using this, because I was already healing from the probiotics. Plus my C.Diff was mild so I didn't need to sweep everything with charcoal. But if your case is severe, you might as well go for it, but make sure you get advice from a naturopath, doctor, or the Pantry Pharmacy, b/c activated charcoal is extremely powerful. )
My lab results showing C.Diff found on May 10th, and gone by June 13th.On May 10, 2018, I was tested positive for C.Diff. I was going 5x a day and it was starting to get worse.
On June 13, 2018, after 1 month, my stool test at Lifelabs showed NO more C.Diff.
If you can only afford 1, then take the S.Boulardii (or Florastor Probiotics), this is the main ingredient that stops C.Diff. You can take 2, 4, or even more a day depending on how severe your C.Diff is. At one point, I took 4-6 per day for a prolonged period, and it fixed the runny stool issue. The Florastor probiotics is my to-go-to if I ever get very bad runny stool, food poisoning, almost C.Diff situation or C.Diff situation... it always solidifies the stool and makes my gut stop hurting, but I don't know the science behind it.