Interstitial Cystitis Pain can be as severe as Cancer Pain

Interstitial Cystitis and long-term urinary tract infections tend to be underrated by doctors, but awareness about this painful disease has been gaining traction. IC pain has been rated equivalent to cancer pain and deserves urgent, compassionate treatment. Millions of Americans and Canadians, mostly women, suffer from a bladder condition known as interstitial cystitis. IC can be severely painful and incapacitating and may require aggressive pain management medicines when more conservative approaches fail. People with IC and chronic UTIs can experience both acute and chronic pain:

  • Acute pain: has a sudden beginning and lasts for a shorter time period
  • Chronic pain: recurs frequently or lasts for a longer time period
If someone in your family or friendship circle is struggling from IC, read about what IC is and how painful it can be: IC Awareness Daily Fact #27 – Pain of Interstitial Cystitis As Severe As Cancer Pain

If you would like to help them get support and advice, I recommend you to show them my link at Who Can Help.