Floxed by Cipro or Levaquin? How to Reverse Fluoroquinolone Toxicity

I've been taking a strong antibiotic dosage of Levofloxacin (Levaquin) 500mg (once per day) + Augmentin 875mg (twice per day) since November or December 2020 if my memory serves me correct. I am still under the care of Dr. Bundrick and on the trend to getting better. A lot of patients asked me how I didn't get floxxed by now from 'fluoroquinolone toxicity'. I get this question so very very often that I decided that I should make a blog post about how I counter the side effects and have little to no side effects.

I was floxed by levofloxaxcin before. It made my joints ache severely, as if I was an 80 year old lady with athritis. My joints felt so stiff, and my knees felt like they were burning. At times, my knees had locked and I couldn't take a step. Sometimes it even felt like my Achilles heel would want to break off. It was such a bizarre feeling. When I walked, the heels of my feet would feel incredibly sore! I could barely walk and I wanted to sit all day. I remember my shoulders feeling very sore and like they were ripping off - I literally felt like the tendons were going to tear off if I opened a cupboard door or the door. It was horrible. It also was starting to give me random anxiety for no reason, and also severe difficulty to sleep (which I later researched could lead to paranoia and insomnia). I was having nightmares and it started to make me dread sleeping.

But this antibiotic was making my bladder feel way better than any of the other antibiotics I tried. Also, all my previous UTIs were only ever cured by Ciprofloxacin (yes, the Black Box drug, I know, I know). I've been told a thousand times by women in Facebook groups about the dangers of taking it. But, I really wanted my bladder healed. So instead of giving up, I started researching on how to counter this and if there was a way to reverse it. I joined floxed groups, read articles on floxing, talked to many women patients (most were non-UTI patients) and started to also experiment on myself. It all paid off and it has been working beautifully for me. I taught a few ladies my protocol and they were shocked at how they went from so ill to having minimal side effects later.

Today, I am taking daily long walks, shopping and enjoying the outdoors but I don't jog nor run because I read we shouldn't exert heavy physical activity while on floxacins. Always keep your exercise mild and stay in the shade when you do your outdoor walks. I no longer have the nightmares, I will probably have a random few a month but most of the time, I don't remember my dreams or they're just whatever. I am still on the antibiotics, never came off them, and doing just fine. I wanted to share with you what I did, so that it can help you if you have an illness that only reacts/can be healed by flouroquines.

How did I reverse the floxxing? I took these exact items:

- Quantum CoQ10: I used to get them from WestCoastMint at this link. If you tell them you're buying it from my link, you get 10% or 15% off, I can't remember. If you are American, I recommend you to get them there or maybe it's on Amazon too. Since I am Canadian, I now buy the Canadian version Premier Coq10 here. You have to be careful when you buy Coq10, don't just buy any random Coq10. You need the one with Ubiquinone! I take it every other day, but other ladies take everyday, some take more or less. You have to experiment to see how your body feels. For me personally, 1 every other day works fine. But if I don't take it after a few days, I start to ache.
Tip: I take this in the morning along with my levofloxacin, because CoQ10 supposedly gives you energy. I don't want to take this at night and then not be able to sleep. Some people have reported taking this at night and then feeling really wired all night. So the perfect time is to take it with your breakfast and antibiotic in the morning.

- Naka Magnesium Bisglycinate 200 mg: I take it every other day. Another girl I talk to needs to take two per day per day and this lady on my blog (who has healed her long-term UTI) had to take triple the amount. Again, everybody's body is different so you have to see if you need more or less. The reason why I take this one is because other types of Magnesium will make you have loose stool. You don't want that. This one does not do that, which is great. You can buy this anywhere, just google it. There are other brands of course, but I just go with this one because it works for me. If I don't take it after a few days, I start to ache as well. 
Tip: you do not want to take this with your floxacin. Remember, you should never take your floxacins with calcium or magnesium or dairy or stuff like TUMS or Prelief. I take my Levofloxacin at lunch, and I take my Magnesium Bisglycinate 8 hours later at dinner. I think the pharmacists may tell you 3 hours later is fine, but talk to your pharmacist to be sure. Don't quote me on this.

- New Roots Prenatal Multivitamins: Someone did all the legwork and research for me and found that this had the right type of Vitamin B (was it B12? I can't remember) and right dosage to counter floxing. I take this every 2-3 days. Some take it everyday or every other day or less or more. Talk to your doctor or naturopath or pharmacist or patient groups for more insight on which vitamin Bs it's supposed to be. I did 0 research on the Vitamin B part since someone else did this research for me. The reason why she suggested the prenatal is because it packs more dosage of a specific vitamin(s) than the regular one. 

Here is a big difference between UTI patients and non-UTI patients for this protocol. Non-UTI patients are taught to drink a lot of water to help flush out the flouroquine toxins. However, for those who are having cUTI, rUTI, chronic/embedded UTI like me, you don't want to overdo the water because it will dilute the power of your antibiotic that is needed to fight your pathogens. 

So, if you are like me and your pathogens only react to the floroquines (which unfortunately is my case), don't completely give up and say "Oh I can't take cipro or levo." You could try it, with the care of a doctor and naturopath, and take the floxxing-reversal items to see if your body can handle it. 

You can also research on Google "how to reverese floxxing", "supplements to recover from cipro/levofloxacin" etc. Just remember that a lot of the advice on there are mostly for non-UTI patients, so some of the items they list will irritate your bladder (stuff like vitamin C, green tea, etc were listed in some blogs or forums). The combo I list here on my page is focused for not irritating my bladder as I wanted to have the most bladder-safe combo while keeping me all the side effects away. I hope this helps someone who has to take ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin for their UTIs or chronic UTI.

If you like the blog or appreciate my work in solving the ic puzzles and that I spend time writing and replying to hundreds of ladies around the world, send a little donation to help pay back my phenomenal bladder bills! There are ladies charging thousands of dollars to reveal how they healed, but I post everything for free because I genuinely want to help others. Send me some love so I know my hard work is being heard and appreciated!