Interstitial Cystitis Journey to Healing: 2021 Update

Hello Interstitial Cystitis warriors, embedded UTI warriors, and pelvic dysfunction warriors. My last update about myself was 7 months ago, back in August 2020

Now that I have my life back, I don't want to spend all day sitting on social media reading about people's ICs and embedded UTIs, which is why I am rarely on Twitter anymore, and have shut down instagram, Facebook, email, and Youtube. I know that sounds a bit mean, but I wanted to be honest and explain why I pulled back away from social media over the last year. I need to take care of myself mentally first and foremost. The only way to find me (which constantly changes) is on my Contact page. When I started this little blog, I had no idea it would go so viral to so many audiences around the world. Sadly, I don't make money from this. I wish I did! I'd be soo rich. Haha. But like I said, I'm not here to make money. I'm just here to share my journey. Whether you want to believe it or not, I really don't care nor mind to be honest. It doesn't affect me either way if you think I'm real or not. But if it helps you, then I'll feel great knowing that someone's life was pulled out of misery and that I saved a life out there. If you ever want to reach out to me, then the best way is Twitter and to tag me on there. But I log onto it only a few times a year. Like I said, it's too much PTSD for me to read people's UTI stories. I just want to move on with my life.

I don't know if I will be fully cured, but I am much better than I was before. There is a thought in me that if I don't get cured in a few years, I may opt for a full urethra and bladder removal. I am in a Bladder Removal social media Group and a lot of ladies there are saying they don't regret removing their bladder and wishing they had done so earlier. But in the meantime, I'll keep up the antibiotics regime + naturals regime and see if I can beat IC first. Here is how I am fighting Interstitial Cystitis, which started out as a UTI for me. It is a combination of an embedded UTI and an inflamed bladder for me, so I am doing both pharmaceutical medicine AND naturals to beat this monster:

Currently, I am on Levofloxacin 500mg once per day, combined with Augmentin 875mg twice per day for my E-coli, Klebsiella pneumonae, and Enterococcus Faecalis since November 2020. The numbers on the pathogens have dwindled down and the E-Coli has disappeared. The interesting thing is, I had severe pain when I had the E-coli. When the pain lifted, it corresponded to my E-coli diminishing and disappearing on my Microgen test results. PS, I highly recommend you do Microgen and Pathnostics together, one of my old posts will explain why (you'll have to dig for it, I don't remember the link). Pathnostics showed that my bugs were sensitive to Ciprofloxacin, Levofloxacin and Augmentin. I do believe this test, because my previous 8 UTIs through my life were always cured by Ciprofloxacin. So that's how I knew this test wasn't a scam, since it matched my history and my UTI cures with Ciprofloxacin wayyyy before Pathnostics and Microgen DX were a thing.

Other supplements I'm taking (this always changes):
- Vitamin D3 drops (Ruth Kriz had said Vit D3 is good for immune boosting, I buy it from "Natural Factors")
- Florastor probiotics (2 - 6 per day to prevent C-diff and eliminates loose stools, I buy it from any pharmacy)
- D-Mannose (a good company I buy from is WestCoast D-Mannose since the D-Mannose is sourced from Ireland, you can also get NOW brand D-Mannose but I heard that's sourced from China)

Biofilm Buster:
- I dropped the NAC after finding it makes Levofloxacin weaker in a medical article. I am now doing Kirkman Biofilm Defense, after reading this lady's success story on my blog. She did a lot. I haven't worked my courage up to take that many yet. I'm doing 1 a day but I will start amping it up eventually when I feel more brave. 

- I eat the alkaline vegetarian diet. If I don't do this, my wees will burn. If I eat meat, dairy or sweets, there is a substantial burn. If I stay with vegetarian, I am much better. You can read my diet in full detail on this blog in old posts. I have many posts about it.

Although I am better, I am not fully healed. I have read about ladies being stuck for a long time at 80%, 90%, 95-98%. But some of them were able to get to 100% after they found the missing piece. For a few, it was adding in Hiprex with their antibiotics, or getting off antibiotics and going on Hiprex and Vitamin C alone. For others, it turned out to be fungal and once they added in fungal suppositories or fungal meds, they found that missing link. Then there are others who had to switch antibiotics, or add in a biofilm buster agent, or do some other tests to found out some STI or lyme disease... so this is not a one-size fits all programme. There are many reasons and causes for why the UTI is sticking -- and you have to try to find the missing link. I'm still trying to figure out my missing piece, and if I don't find my cure in a few more years, then it'll be looking like a full-on bladder and urethra removal for me. I had this forever-UTI since 2018, you can find my full story here.