Healing Update: Long-term Antibiotics

I was on Levofloxacin for 4 months from late August to early December. Then I switched to a combination of Macrobid + Bactrim DS together (standard dose twice a day = 4 pills a day) in early December under a different American urologist. I have been taking them and following this protocol to this day and continue to do so. I have further improved and progressed now. It isn't an immediate huge "Wow, I feel amazing!", it is a very slow slow turtle lift with thoughts of "Is it working yet? Goodness, this is slow." Sometimes I can't even tell if I have improved, but if I look back at today to December, there has been a very obvious improvement. I'm still very symptomatic, but nothing like before. I take the antibiotics based on my symptoms plus the test results from Pathnostics and Microgen DX.

Today, I am eating double the foods, but I still eat clean. I switched back to vegetarian again, because for some reason, when I eat meats, my urine will feel very hot and even slightly sting. But if I am eating steamed or raw vegetables, it feels literally ten times better. Very interesting. I wish I could know the science behind that. Even on antibiotics, the foods I eat can still affect me. But nothing insanely painful like before.

I am working from home still online, but I have picked up more hours and income is finally flowing in. It's not much, because my medical bills from the last 2 years of this UTI fiasco are sky high, combined with me not being able to work for those last two years left a huge hole of expensive American debt. The Canadian dollar is much weaker so that hits even harder. But my online job is picking up now which is great which I will talk about in a future post, since so many embedded UTI and Interstitial Cystitis patients I meet online are highly in need for a stay-at-home-job too.