Trying Nystatin for my Chronic UTI

This blog post has been updated on March 21, 2019 about the effects of Nystatin for me. 
Nystatin did nothing for me, oh too bad. I theorize that it healed the others on the previous post because their IC and chronic UTIs were caused by either candida or some type of fungal infection. Whereas, I tested my urine with MicroGen DX, Aperiomics and stool tests which all showed I had no fungus (Aperiomics did show I had like tiny fungus at 0.03%) but in the end, my problem isn't fungal or Candida. I tried the Nystatin protocol anyway because, well, why not? It did give me raised big itchy hives on the back of my neck, so it may have been a side effect of the drug since the side effects paper says rashes/hives can be a side effect.

I'm currently 80% healed in my chronic UTI, which was assumed by several doctors to be bladder pain syndrome, pelvic floor dysfunction or interstitial cystitis all through 2018. I knew that all along, it was just a UTI that wouldn't go away, because it all started from a regular UTI. Prior to that, I never had weird bladder problems so why would I suddenly get IC or pelvic floor dysfunction, right?
(If you are new to this blog, just click on "My Story" at the top of the blog to get up to speed on how I almost was misdiagnosed with interstitial cystitis and how I disproved it as an embedded ecoli UTI. )

NEW EXPERIMENT: I'm starting Nystatin treatment today with the supervision of my naturopath and will be telling Ruth Kriz and my US urologist soon too. I'm going on a 2 or 3 week trial to see what happens. Hopefully, it will get rid of my chronic urinary tract infection olike it did for the other Interstitial Cystitis patients whom I had written about on my February 14th post. Those people healed their Interstitial Cystitis (most likely were long-term UTIs) by doing surprise surprise - only Nystatin! I write about them on this post: Interstitial Cystitis Patients Healed by Nystatin and you can see the dosages and how many months they were on it before their IC or long-term UTI went into remission or got fully cured.

Nystatin is not dangerous like antibiotics, it's an anti-fungal medication that fights infections caused by fungus and I guess candida. Although my UTI infection consistently shows ecoli in my MicroGen DX urine samples, I want to try this anti-fungal method and see if it will work out like those other IC patients who miraculously cured their IC on Nystatin. Crossing my fingers that this will work! I've been hovering at 80% cured so I've been looking for a new way to get me to 100% cured.

The Nystatin dosage I am starting off with is:
500,000 IU taken 3 times a day = 1.5 million IU per day 
I will be doing this dosage for a 5 days to a week, and then it will change to taking:
1 million IU 3 times a day =3 million IU per day 
which I will update the dosages and my progress on here. Mine is in capsule form, but the pharmacy was supposed to give it to me in powder form.

So in this trial experiment, I am taking a page out of Bill's IC cure (in the link I posted above), since several people who have copied Bill have cured their IC! You can read about how Bill, Christine, Theresa and Britney healed their Interstitial Cystitis through Nystatin on my post at Interstitial Cystitis Patients Healed by Nystatin. When did they start feeling a difference? 

Bill: He d
idn't feel a difference until day 12 or 14, and then his big improvement started after 30 days of taking it. He continued to stay long-term on it, and it seems from the sounds of his story that he continued on for 4 more months on it and was cured.

Christina: felt her IC was totally gone by day 10, her doctor gave her a prescription of a few months taking Nystatin 3x a day (I don't know at what dose though). I don't know how many months total she took, but you can find her story on my link and then go to her website from there to read more.

Theresa: took 100,000 IU Nystatin in syrup form 3 times a day (total of 300k IU per day) for 21 days. After 2 weeks of taking it, she thought it wasn't working, but continued anyway and was cured. I'm not sure if she continued on for a longer time, but you can find her story on my link and go to her website from there to find out.

Britney: She asked for liquid nystatin (not the pills) because she says liquid works better since it coats the bladder. She did a 1 month supply at 4 times per day. Her symptoms eased up a lot the next day and within a week, her pain was 98% gone. After a few weeks, she was 100% pain-free. She did a combo of difflucan and nystatin. I don't know her dosage but you can read more about her story on my link.

**************Nystatin Updates:

March 15 update: So far, I haven't felt a difference in my bladder doing the Nystatin, but I have only been taking it for under 2 weeks so far. I'll take a page out of Theresa's book or Bill's book and wait for the 21 days to 30 days to hopefully feel a difference!

March 21 update: So I'll have done about 20 days of Nystatin and I'm not going to continue. It's not doing anything for me so far. From the stories written by Theresa, Bill, Christina and Britney, they all felt a huge difference fairly fast, somewhere within a week to two weeks. I have felt absolutely no difference doing my Nystatin capsules. Now, I wonder if they did a different form - pill, capsule, syrup or powder? I wish they had been more detailed about it. Maybe that may or may not have made a difference for me. But there are two reasons why I'm stopping:

1) I grew major scaly hives around my neck area from starting Nystatin (not a big deal, I would have kept taking it to heal my bladder even if I grew hives all over my body. But my bladder has been exactly the same).

2) A few days after I started, I began experience mild pain in my lower left pelvic region (very close to the vagina and butt hole area, lol). And it started to grow more and more as I continued taking it until in the last few days, it was like "oh crap, this isn't good!" So I skipped 2 days of Nystatin and the pain is gone, so I don't know if it's related to the Nystatin or not. I read that side effects of Nystatin include hives and muscle pain, so maybe that's what I had?

My 19 or 21 days Nystatin dosage and Why I Tried This Method:
I did 5 or 7 days of Nystatin at 1 mill total each day (two 500,000 IU capsules per day). I forgot if it was 5 or 7 days, I suffer brain fog, so whatever. Then 14 more days at 3 mill total each day (three 1 million IU capsules per day). I am doing a lot of Nystatin and not feeling a difference. I mean, I should be really be feeling an impact by now compared to the Nystatin success stories, right? Anyway, I had my urine tested by MicroGen DX, Aperiomics, and my stool tested by Diagnostechs before I started the Nystatin program, and both MicroGen and Diagnostechs confirmed I had no fungus, yeast or candida. Aperiomics picked up a miniscule amount of fungus, but that was about it. So I probably didn't even need the Nystatin anyway, but it was good to try anyway! It was worth hoping for, but too bad it didn't heal me like it did for Bill, Britney, Theresa and Christina.

Also, another Ruth Kriz patient read my Nystatin success stories (I had shown her these articles long before I posted it on my blog) and decided to try it too, she has been on Nystatin for several months already and it has done nothing for her too. So if you don't have fungus or yeast or candida in the bladder, it's probably not going to work. But it was worth trying anyway because when I read success stories, I'll try anything and see which works for me. :) Never give up, keep trying, you might be one of those success stories one day!