Support Groups

Listed below are the websites, forums and groups that I visited throughout my bladder healing journey since February 2018. 

UTI Support 

The Pantry Pharmacy (this seems to be more for regular and reoccuring regular UTIs, not so much about the long-term embedded UTIs)

Facebook Groups:
Chronic UTI Resources and Support - US based (this group is my favorite, I used to be very active in here)
Treatment with Ruth Kriz (must be a patient of Ruth Kriz)


Live UTI Free
Stop UTI Forever


IC Support 

Facebook Groups:
Healing IC Holistically (Jessica Parks' group)
Healing Interstitial Cystitis Naturally (they are very strict about not talking about pharmaceutical medicine, so be careful here. I left the group because antibiotics are not allowed to be talked in there)
Treatment with Ruth Kriz (must be a patient of Ruth Kriz)

IC Network

Jessica Parks - Healing IC Naturally
Montreal Healthy Girl - Healed her IC in 4 years